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Home » Why Come to Casale di Clio?

Why Come to Casale di Clio?

In simple terms, what we offer is the time and space to enjoy a creative and/or reflective getaway: come to write, draw, paint – or to take ‘time out’ of a busy/stressful lifestyle to relax, read, and maybe reflect on a change in direction or re-balancing of priorities. We don’t set a retreat schedule (though we can suggest local walks, activities and eating options) – you spend your time how you like, according to what you want to get out of your ‘retreat’, ‘getaway’, ‘break’ or ‘holiday’. Have some ‘me-time’ and feel the stress melt away!

Below we list some of the types of stay that you might enjoy here; there may be others, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you think you would like to come and stay for slightly different experience – we will give it consideration. Our offering is essentially the same for each: we provide accommodation and a supportive environment in a wonderful location – you bring whatever you want to work on.

Come and explore a new creative path this Winter in Tuscany
Writers and Artists Retreat in Tuscany, Italy
  • Writing Retreat
  • Art Retreat
  • Musical Composition Retreat
  • Photography Retreat
  • Study Permaculture & Sustainable Land Use
  • Write up Dissertation/Thesis
  • Sabbatical
  • (Small) Team-Building
  • ‘Retreat with a Treat’ (concert, spa visits yoga classes)
  • Local History Study & Appreciation Holiday
  • ‘Relax, Reflect & Recharge’ Getaway
  • Walking/Nature Retreat Holiday
  • Italian Language Self-Study Holiday
  • ‘Build-Your-Own’ Retreat
  • Research the area when considering a Move to Italy!
  • Reading Week
  • Tennis Retreat: coaching and matches at local club
  • ‘Digital Nomads’ welcome!

Casabasciana is one of the hill villages visible on the opposite side of the valley from Casale di Clio – they know how to have a good time!

Do you dream of moving to Italy to live?; maybe you are already starting to think seriously about the possibility – or even starting to make plans. If Tuscany is on your radar – perhaps the glorious Garfagnana, or another area with wooded hills and mountains criss-crossed by paths and ancient mule tracks, valleys with clear rivers and streams, and timeless villages with traditional seasonal celebrations – then consider coming here to experience life ‘in the hills’.

As well as getting out and enjoying the countryside, you can relay here and browse the several books on the shelves that deal with buying property in Italy, house restorations, and life in Italy (yes, we do have a copy of Under the Tuscan Sun!). This is an area where many non-Italian expats have created first and second homes; you might hear their voices in the local restaurants and bars and there are active social media groups that can also provide local tips and information.

Bagni di Lucca swimming poolhas a perfect setting!
Bagni di Lucca’s public swimming pool, reachable by bus, bicycle, or hiking, is not far away for that pleasurable ‘day off’! Casale di Clio is up in the hills in the background. The pool’s opening dates for 2024 are yet to be confirmed as of May 2024 – please check this if you are hoping to visit the pools during a stay here.
Come for a ‘Tennis Retreat‘: enjoy a week of coaching and matches at Bagni di Lucca Tennis & Padel Club – relaxing at Casale di Clio between times (when not at the local Thermal Bath/Spa recuperating!) – bring tennis-crazy family/friends along too; you don’t have to play on Court 1 (above) – two other courts are available! Coaching and matches can also be arranged as a break from a ‘Creative Getaway’ spent writing or painting, our main offering.

If you are considering a Move to Italy – or buying a property here – then our Location page provides enough information to give you an idea of whether this area/region/type of countryside/environment might be for you – though you will only know for real by spending a week or two here!